Two-thirds of German businesses have already become the target of a cyber attack on their ICT infrastructure.
New research published by Bitkom in the IT area reveals that two-thirds of the country's producers have been the victims of cyber-attacks, which are now costing the largest European economy a year around 50 billion euros.
The Bitkom survey was attended by 503 top managers and security executives from german manufacturing sector, where they found that small and medium-sized enterprises that are the backbone of the country's economy are particularly vulnerable to these attacks.
Companies that try to overtake their competitors do not hesitate to use cybercriminals to find out more about their competitors.
German security experts often warn of danger that foreign espionage agencies use cyber-attacks as a means of stealing advanced advanced production technologies that could help them become one of the world's leading exporters.
At the same time, Bitkom's survey identified a number of risks in the industry, with up to a third of its affiliated companies confirming that their employees' cell phones were theft and a quarter of them had leaked sensitive data.
The survey also found that cybercriminals also use other techniques to penetrate German factories. In the interviewed, a total of 19 percent said their information technology and manufacturing systems were digitally attacked, and 11 percent had broken communication.
Companies that try to overtake their competitors do not hesitate to use cybercriminals to find out more about their competitors. Therefore, in today's digitized world, we will be more likely to see increasing efforts to steal sensitive corporate data and disrupt manufacturing operations.