Contigen creates both corporate and product strategies for its clients, but also brand strategy or market entry strategy for innational customers.
As one of the leading corporate strategy consultants, Contigen helps industry leaders develop, build, and run successful business strategies to ensure a sustained growth in their value for shareholders. We evaluate their strategies independently from the outside, and we strive to implement them through a thorough understanding of the current and future customer priorities. In order to provide meaningful recommendations to our clients, we engage our thinking potential in the following areas:
Corporate and growth strategies
Contigen helps clients make strategic decisions that set the program for business and maximize value. We work with our clients to make the most of their business portfolio and build the companies they need using our own tools such as our methodology and the framework for interactive strategic models.
Strategy of jump growth and M & A
Although half of all mergers do not reach the originally expected growth levels or newly created values, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) combined with strong integration integration (PMI) capabilities can be highly effective in creating and increasing the value of the organization. For the time being, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are motivated by strategic reasons rather than focusing on consolidation and cost reduction.
Performance enhancement strategy
Attempts to improve business performance are often unfinished, which may result in difficult or sometimes undesirable shifts in organizational performance. In these situations, Contigen uses its holistic outlook to recognize and independently assess the interdependence of your business process (from your loyal customers to your assets, activities and organization) and move it to a new, qualitative level. With these activities, Contigen uses its own methods, tools and practices, deploying which will help clients change the efficiency, effectiveness and sense of their business.
Innovation and change strategy
Being successful today requires the use of innovative ways of thinking that is customer and product oriented, with a broad overview of market opportunities and a constantly changing market environment. Contigen combines this approach with newly created scientific discipline and is called Continual Business Improvement (CBI), while its consistent application can bring new value to our clients.
Strategic planning
Strategic planning often becomes a sterile annual exercise that managers will suffer. In spite of this, several leading companies are able to create new value added by integrating them into the company's operational management. Contigen helps its clients reliably create and implement new strategies by implementing them through the 10 identified and proven phases of their implementation, from strategic planning to operational deployment.