Contigen provides comprehensive services in the area of corporate law - from comprehensive advisory services related to major business activities (including restructuring, mergers and acquisitions consulting) to compliance services by regulations and standards.
Advice and services in the field of legislation, regulations and standards are provided to national and multinational companies and groups and can be part of a broader Contigen service complex and individually tailored for each client.
Corporate law
Doing business in today's business environment is not easy today. Company management needs to adhere to and respect a wide range of regulations and legislation, including start-up requirements, business operations management requirements, expansion, termination or business discontinuation as well as general issues arising from day-to-day operations. Our legislative services therefore concern, inter alia:
> Formation and dissolution of legal entities
> Advice for legal and governance bodies of the organization
> Resolution of shareholders' conflicts
> Processing regulatory reports
Contigen's law experts work with experienced professionals in the areas of business, human resources, finance, marketing, quality management, etc. to provide our clients with a comprehensive view of each area and problem in most industries and jurisdictions.
Regulatory and compliance
In a highly transparent environment, non-compliance with government rules and regulations or company regulations and policies may have a direct and significant legal, reputational or financial impact on the governing bodies or the entire organization. This is especially true for publicly traded, regulated and financial entities where violations can have a negative long-term impact on the success of their business.
Contigen focuses in particular on the risks for the following categories:
> Managerial and legal model of organization, legislation, standards, regulations and norms
> Preventing the problems of accountability of the authorities' management
> Codes of behavior and best practices
> Control systems and rules (committees, reporting, respoting)
> Basic regulatory requirements in given industry
> Policies and ways of rewarding governing bodies
Contigen's law experts collaborate with experienced professionals in areas of business, human resources, finance, marketing, quality management, etc. to provide our clients with a comprehensive view of every area and issue in most industries and jurisdictions.
Acquisitions, divestments and joint ventures
In a globalized world, the strategy of expanding organizations through alliances, sales or joint ventures opens up a wide range of legal, tax, regulatory and other issues that can affect the success or failure of the entire transaction. Contigen provides advice on every stage of such transactions, from negotiation to implementation.
We provide advice on the most appropriate form of transaction as well as the development of relevant contracts and supplementary documents. We also have extensive experience with cross-border transactions in various business sectors.
Due dilligence and analysis
An early assessment of the potential risks associated with the acquisition of a selected company or a particular planned transaction may depend on the difference between the success or failure of potential business. We at Contigen help organizations with acquisitions by undertaking in-depth in-depth analyzes and reviews on all key aspects of the target company, considering unforeseeable circumstances and risks that may arise in the sale or purchase of such entities and highlight the legal and other implications of the transactions under consideration.
We also help organizations with tactical aspects of the entire transaction, negotiation and preparation strategies and processing of required documents.
Post acquisition activities
Finding the right company for a merger or acquisition is only a first step, not a way to achieve a new value for the entire corporate structure. Once the agreement has been concluded, it is necessary to integrate original entities into a new structure meaningfully in order to see and measure benefits of whole acquisition or merger in normal course of business. Contigen therefore helps companies rationalize and simplify business processes and structures to create a homogeneous, integrated structure with new, higher performance and efficiency.